Do you want to know how to write a blog post for your site?
I will share with you my personal “secrets” about how to write my blog articles fast that article converts?
Because ultimately your content goals are either conversion or educating your readers. Isn’t it?
So without wasting any time let’s explore my personal secrets & strategies on how to write the content that persuades, educates, and finally converts into my loyal customer?
So, are you ready if you are ready then let’s get started.
1. Identify Your Readers

Why is it important because our mind does not accept anything without knowing what is the benefits of this thing or that thing.
So, I will tell you exactly why you need to know your audience?
Knowing your audience is necessary while writing any kind of text content or creating any piece of content because when you know your audience very well then you can write more clearly for your targeted audience.
If you have identified your readers then you know what are the potential problems your audiences have right now in their life.
And if you know your audience’s problems then you can come up with extraordinary solutions for your audiences.
When you understand your audience it is very simple to create content for them and converts them into your paying customers.
However, remember every simple thing is not easy. You have to put your 100% efforts while creating any piece of content.
People love people who understand their problems and provide a great solution to that problem.
Now you know why identifying your audience is important?
Now you might be thinking about how will I do research about my targeted audience?
But do not worry it is not complicated as you think so.
In the market, there are lots of tools available for this research.
Below I have listed some of my favourite tools for doing research:-
1. Google keyword planner
This tool is completely free to use and this tool shows what are the keywords people search on the internet in your industry or niche.
2. Quora
First of all, I’d like to tell you about Quora. Quora is a question and answering (Q&A) platform not a tool like Google keyword planner.
However, you can take advantage of this Q&A forum because nowadays so many people search their questions on Quora.
Simply go to on Quora and find keywords related to your industry and make sure whatever keyword you choose has enough search volume so that you can drive traffic on to your blog when you write content regarding that keyword.
3. SEMRush
This tool is a paid tool that you can use to do keyword research and get in-depth data about your audience. Start your 14-day FREE trial of SEMRush keywords research tool.
4. Ubersuggest
This tool is a free tool that you can use to get keyword ideas. And with the help of Ubersuggest, you can find “keyword difficulty” and their search volume. Many more features Ubersuggest provides which you can find on their site.
2. Write attention-grabbing Title

Now in this simple step, you have to write an attention-grabbing and captivating title because anyone reads your blog post title first then your content.
If your title is not compelling enough then you need to come up with a better title that can grab your audience’s attention.
I have listed below some of the best tools for ensuring your headline is compelling or not.
- Headline Analyzer by CoSchedule
- EMV headline analyzer
- ShareThrough headline analyzer
3. Write subheadings to increase the readability of your content
Subheadings break a long article into smaller ones. That helps your reader to read content without putting too much strain on their eyes.
4. Add necessary bullet points
Nowadays on the internet, most people skim your content so it is your responsibility to make your content easy to skim.
If you want to make your content skim-readers friendly then you will need to use bullet points that bullet points help readers to skim your content
Bullets points are very easy to read.
Here are some of my secrets to writing a better bullet.
- Convey a clear benefit. Use bullet points as mini headlines.
- Keep your bullet points short and sweet. 1-2 lines each.
- Never write paragraphs in bullets. Avoid clutter in bullets.
- Don’t forget bullets are not sentences. They’re just as mini headlines.
5. Write SEO friendly articles

In my opinion, first, you should write human-friendly content because humans are your end-user.
Only humans will consume your content not search engines consume your content. Isn’t it?
However, you need to drive traffic on your blog via the search engine. So you need to write SEO friendly content too.
Because a large amount of blog traffic comes from only organic results from Google.
So if you write SEO friendly content then you’ll get organic traffic. Now you might be confused.
You should write human-friendly articles or SEO friendly. In my opinion, you have to balance these two things.
Because both things will benefit you so you need to balance both of them.
Use images

An image expresses better than written words.
Because we are humans we humans only remember images and colourful photos. Our mind understands images more easily if we compare to text.
Know your end-goal
In this last step, you should mention a clear “Call-to-Action” (CTA) into your blog article for your readers.
However, first, you will need to find out the end goal of your blog post.
The end-goal could be anything it could be a signup for a newsletter, joining the Facebook group, educating your readers, and increasing your sales, etc.
Find out what is your goal for each post that you will write for your blog or website.
A clear CTA is vital for any blog post, I’ll tell you my CTA of this blog post is sharing valuable tips so that you can write better content.
In one sentence I’d like to say my CTA of this article is to educate you.
So in this post, I discussed 5 simple and powerful secret steps to create content for your blog or website.
And I also revealed my personal secrets about how I write blog posts that convert? And in the bonus, I revealed some extra tips that will help you to write better.
Lemme know if you have any questions regarding this post & feel free to ask your doubts in the comments box.