How to Sign Up for 360 Dialog WhatsApp API?

Looking for an official WhatsApp API? 360 Dialog can be a perfect option for you.

If you aren’t able to pay for Meta’s official WhatsApp cloud API. You’ll find 360 Dialog useful.

In a few countries like India, Meta has not set up the billing system for WhatsApp Cloud API.

So we have to use business solution providers (BSP) to access the official WhatsApp API.

In today’s guide, I will share my EXACT steps on how to sign up for 360 Dialog to get an official WhatsApp API.

Let’s get started!

What is 360 Dialog?

360 Dialog is a WhatsApp business solution provider (BSP). These BSPs give access to the official WhatsApp API to small & medium businesses.

Before the launch of Meta’s WhatsApp Cloud API, small businesses could use the official WhatsApp API through BSPs only.

Now, Meta is offering WhatsApp API to end customers (like you & me). But, as I said, in some counties, Meta doesn’t have a billing system for WhatsApp Cloud API.

Those businesses can use BSPs to access the official WhatsApp API.

And, many BSPs offer chat inboxes like WAIT, BotBaba, and more. So that’s another reason to use BSPs.

Right now, Meta offers WhatsApp API only. You can’t manage the chats and reply through Meta. Either you have to build your own inbox through coding or use BSPs.

Prerequisites to Access Official WhatsApp API

Before you sign up on 360 Dialog, you must have the following things:

1. A fresh number. This number shouldn’t be active WhatsApp app or business app. If you want to use the same number, you have to delete that number from the WhatsApp application.

2. A credit card so you can pay conversation costs + 360 Dialog monthly fees.

3. A verified Business Manager. You’ll have to connect 360 Dialog with your Business Manager.

Watch the video below to learn how to verify a business manager.

4. A custom email address. You can’t use your Gmail id to sign up for 360 Dialog.

You can easily create a custom domain if you run a self-hosted website.

Got the things? Let’s move on to the next step.

How to Sign up for 360 Dialog?

Step 1: Select the plan. Click here.

Step 2: Fill in your personal information, like name and email. Then business name, create a password, and enter the credit card details.

360 Dialog Sign up process

Step 3: You’ll have to verify the phone number and connect your business manager with 360 Dialog. It’s a simple step. Next, follow the screen instructions.

Step 4: Choose your business category, set up the WhatsApp business profile and submit it

Step 5: 360 Dialog will review your account. If everything is okay, they will approve the account and you can start sending messages.

In most cases, 360 Dialog will approve your account. However, certain businesses are not allowed to use WhatsApp, like gambling, adult sites, etc.

Ensure you check 360 Dialog & WhatsApp Business policy.

When you get the account, you’ll have a 1K messages/24-hour limit. This means in 24-hour, you can send up to 1000 messages.

How to increase WhatsApp messaging limit?

Based on your quality of messages, Facebook algorithm will increase your messaging limit.

I will write a post on how to increase WhatsApp messaging limit. It’s easy if you follow simple rules. 🙂

Let’s talk about 360 Dialog pricing.

Pricing Plans of 360 Dialog

360 Dialog has simple pricing plans.

They offer two plans:

1. Basic plan. This plan costs €49/month. You get access to API and can send unlimited messages.

2. Professional. This plan costs €99/month. You just get premium support. 🙂

360 Dialog Pricing Plans

It’s better you sign up for the basic plan. Or don’t sign up at all.

What? Yes, you heard it right.

I will show you how to get 360 Dialog at just $5/month. Don’t tell anyone about this secret deal. 🙂 Just kidding!

Get Dialog 360 at $5/month: Here is How?

360 Dialog has partnerships with some tools like Pabbly Connect and Chatrace. Pabbly Connect & Chatrace customers can use 360 Dialog plan at $5/month.

Whether you become a Chatrace or Pabbly Connect customer, you can use 360 Dialog at $5/month.

How to Use 360 Dialog?

360 Dialog provides you official WhatsApp API access.

However, if you don’t know the coding, you have to use software like Pabbly Connect and Chatrace that integrates with 360 Dialog.

Upon successful account creation. You can generate the API keys in 360 Dialog. Save them for future use!

How to Generate API Keys?

Step 1: Go to WhatsApp accounts inside 360 Dialog.

Step 2: On the right side, you’ll see a button “Generate API keys” click on it.

How to generate 360 Dialog API keys?

Step 3: You’ll get two API keys. You can save them for future use.

For example, if you use Pabbly Connect to send automatic messages on WhatsApp. You’ll need 360 Dialog API keys to integrate with Pabbly Connect.

Difference Between 360 Dialog and WhatsApp Cloud API

360 Dialog is a WhatsApp business solution provider (BSP). Earlier through WhatsApp BSPs, small & medium businesses could access the official WhatsApp API.

BSPs are a middleman between you and WhatsApp API.

After the launch of WhatsApp Cloud API, the need for BSPs is less.

WhatsApp Cloud API

As you can access the official WhatsApp API directly from Meta. You’ll save middleman costs.

But there are some disadvantages of WhatsApp Cloud API:

1. You can’t manage chats and replies and build WhatsApp automation if you use WhatsApp Cloud API. Some BSPs provide chat inbox functions and allow you to build advanced automation on WhatsApp.

2. Meta doesn’t have a billing system for WhatsApp Cloud API in some countries. And businesses in that country can’t directly pay Meta to use the official WhatsApp API. In such cases, BSPs are really useful.

There are benefits of using BSPs. Make sure you use good WhatsApp solution providers.

Nowadays, many BSPs are there and charge a premium price and provide pathetic service. So be aware when choosing a BSP.

360 Dialog Customer Service

360 Dialog offers email support. Their support is okay. You will need the help of support in the beginning.

360 Dialog Integrations

Here’s the list of tools that you can integrate with 360 Dialog:

1. Pabbly Connect

2. Chatrace

3. Live Chat

4. Get.Chat


And many more.

FAQs about 360 Dialog

Is there any Free API for WhatsApp

Sorry but there’s no FREE API for WhatsApp. However, Meta offers 1000 FREE conversations every month. You can use that to send automatic WhatsApp messages!

How to unsubscribe from 360 Dialog?

Step 1: Log in to your 360 Dialog account.

Step 2: Go to “WhatsApp Accounts.”

How to unsubscribe from 360 Dialog?

Step 3: On the right-hand side, you’ll see a button “Show Details” click that.

Step 4: Scroll down to the bottom. There’s a cancel subscription button.

Terms: The subscription can be terminated with thirty (30) days’ notice at the end of a month.

What will happen after subscription cancellation?

Cancel subscription. This will queue the hosted WhatsApp Business API client for deletion.

After the termination date which is set according to the cancellation terms, the number will no longer be able to send or receive messages using the WhatsApp Business API.

Note: The number will remain visible in the numbers list, but you will not be billed after the termination date.

How many messages can you send with WhatsApp Business API?

You can send unlimited messages with WhatsApp Business API. But when you first get the official WhatsApp API.

There’s a limit of 1K messages/24 hours. In the 24-hour window, you can send 1000 template messages.

Based on the quality of your message and if you send 3000 messages to unique users in 3 days. And you main the messaging quality high or medium.

Meta will automatically increase the limit to 10k messages/24 hours.

You can’t spam people on WhatsApp. You have to send high-quality messages on WhatsApp.

List of WhatsApp BSPs (Business Solution Providers)?

There are many WhatsApp business solution providers.

Here’s the list of good WhatsApp BSPs:

1. 360 Dialog






I wrote this post from my experience using 360 Dialog to access the official WhatsApp API.

If you follow the steps laid out in this guide. You can effortlessly set up 360 Dialog account and start leveraging WhatsApp API to engage with your leads and convert them.

I use all the tools mentioned in this guide for my client’s business. It works well for me. You can use them.

My favorite tool is Chatrace. I can build advanced WhatsApp automation and send broadcasts to my WhatsApp subscribers.

If you’re looking to manage WhatsApp chats and build WhatsApp automation. I recommend you to check out Chatrace. You’ll find it useful!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below. I will answer.

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