My Internship

Hey MagicBlogger!

Rajneesh is here from and today I am going to talk about something on a personal level that I never shared before. 

Note: I am not going to talk about me, my family and my life journey. Because I do not want to share anything with you that can’t help you in any form. Make sense?

I am going to talk about my digital journey on Digital Marketing internship by DigitalDeepak. 

Yes, the information I am going to share with you is about my Digital Marketing Internship. 

My life experience would help you to understand how to take your digital marketing career at the next level? 

This post is going to be amazing. You’ll get so much actionable knowledge from this guide. 

Why I joined this Digital Deepak internship and why you should also join? 

I am going to tell you the reasons why you should NOT join this internship?

Then I will tell you why you must join this internship & how it can help you to transform your digital marketing journey in a positive way?

Because this internship helped me to take action. As a content creator, you & I do not take action. 

And ultimately actions give you the results that you want…

Most digital marketers consume lots of content & invest in paid courses but still, they are not getting the results that they want. 

Why? I want to ask you “WHY” do you know the reason? 

They have courage, knowledge and vision to become a world’s best digital marketer. 

Here’s the reason why they are not successful what I call as, “Lack of Massive Action” these three words most of the digital marketers hold back.   

Because they do not take action continuously. As you know, consistency is important for everyone who wants to be successful. 

I don’t know whether you watch Cricket or not but if you watch Cricket then you see, the top 3 batsmen are consistently scoring the runs for their team. 

Imagine this, if they will not be consistently performing for their team, do you think that they will play in the top 11? 

The answer is simple, no. They will lose their position. Why? Due to what I call the “Lack of Consistency.”  

The exact thing happens to us. We do not take action on a continuous basis. 

You know that it’s not your fault due to our habits, thinking and nature of thoughts. You are not able to take action on a regular basis. 

At this time wherever you’re in your life due to your thoughts pattern. Your belief creates thoughts and your thoughts lead your actions. 

Wrong beliefs mean everything will go in the wrong direction and it will lead you toward failure. 

Consistency starts from your mindset and once you make consistency your best friend you can win in every area of your life such as digital marketing, relationship, health and wealth. 

How many of you think that I know if I do this thing or that thing I will succeed? 

If you think like this then you are also facing a common problem. 

Most people know what they need to do because due to lack of “Clarity” and not having the right mindset makes people unsuccessful. 

That’s what happened to me. I knew that if I do this thing, I will get success but still I was not taking action because not taking action had become my habit. 

And in building or breaking any habit it requires lots of time & patience. 

Let’s get back to digital marketing, I was facing all the issues that I’ve shared with you. 

Our mind’s nature is like a Monkey.

It always distracts us. Isn’t it? 

I have been following DigitalDeepak quite a while and then Deepak Kanakaraju introduced their Digital Marketing internship.

I saw the first batch but I ignored it. 

Why I Joined Digital Deepak Internship?

But Batch 2 also came but this time I could not ignore it because I found something useful that pushed me to take action. 

I will be honest with you. 

This thing I never shared with anyone, when I saw the “Reward structure” of this program that changed my mind and that thing propelled me to enrol in this program called Digital Marketing Internship.  

Basically, in this internship, you will earn money when you complete the assignments.

There are a total of 7 assignments you will get and you have to complete every assignment. 

And this internship is for two months. 

Internship Structure

First, you’ll pay the joining fee of this internship and you’ll learn through live sessions and after every session, you’ll get an assignment and if you have to complete the assignment in the given time, then you can earn back the money that you invested. 

The point is that the investment you made in this program you can get back all the money if you complete all the assignments. 

And you can earn more than the investment you made if you come in the top 100 interns in each assignment. 

The joining fee of this internship was Rs.14999 for Batch 2 and you can earn back money up to 25,000 rupees. 

That thing propelled me to enrol in this program. 

Basically, the reward structure of this internship is so lucrative. Ultimately you are getting the knowledge FREE of cost if you complete the assignment successfully.  

And the assignments completion rate is high, rarely any assignment gets disapproved.   

These are all about the monetary benefits that you’ll get from this program. 

And the knowledge you’ll get is insane, you can use that knowledge to make more money & help more people to grow their business. 

And if you help someone to grow then you also grow. Isn’t it?

Nobody is doing this kind of stuff that DigitalDeepak is doing. 

You can earn back your money if you are committed to learn & master the skill of digital marketing.  

I am also the one from 800+ internships that are committed to earning back their investment which I made at the time of enrolment in this digital marketing internship. 

Do you think that I’ll be able to earn back the investment that I made? 

Well, you will get to know when the right time comes. 

As of now, I am one of the top 100 interns (of assignment no.1) in Batch 2 and I will update this paragraph as my internship goes ahead.  

Impact of Digital Deepak Internship on My Digital Marketing Career

Due to positive pressure, I am able to complete my assignment and I am getting results as well when I complete the assignment that was given to Digital Deepak. 

That’s where things get started working for you and you get the motivation to work more and get more results. 

Sometimes fear is good because once you start taking action you get results then the Snowball effect starts. 

If you do not know about the “Snowball effect” you can know more about from here.  

Everything will start working for you, only one decision can change your life completely. 

I joined DigitalDeepak internship program due to the reward system. 

And as I started working on assignments and moving forward in internship my mindset started changing and I am treating digital marketing as a business. 

Earlier I was not serious about digital marketing. I just wanted to earn quick money. I am not thinking about the long-term. 

I just wanted to make quick bucks but this program changed my mindset completely in a positive way. 

Basically, this program has put my mindset in the right direction and propelled me to take action otherwise I will lose my money. 

From this internship, everything is changing for me and I am learning & applying the concepts that I learnt from this internship. 

Now, you can say that I am an action-oriented boy. Yes, boy because I’m just 17 years old! 🙂  

That’s the power of learning live by your Mentor. 

Now I thank myself that I took action and I enrolled in this program. 

On 12th February 2020, I made the decision in enrolling in this program and it’s one of the best investments that I ever made on my learning.

Within one month I started getting results by just attending one class and I am getting massive results by taking massive action in the right direction. 

Now, I am no more procrastinating and I am completing my “To-do list” every single day without forcing myself to take action. 

Why You Should Not Join this Internship?  

  • If you don’t take action after joining this program, then please this internship is not for you.  
  • If you don’t want to treat digital marketing as a business this is not for you.
  • If your ultimate goal is to earn back your investment only, then this internship won’t help you.  
  • If you just want to enjoy the benefits, don’t want to do hard work please do not join.
  • This internship is not for non-action takers.

Why You Should Join this Internship?  

  • If you want to take your digital marketing career at the next level, please join this program.
  • You are a beginner don’t know where to start you can join this internship.
  • If you are not able to take action but you want to make a career in digital marketing, please join this internship.
  • In this internship, you will earn money by completing assignments and you’ll get real-life experience.
  • This internship will turn you into an experienced digital marketer.    

“When you love your work you never feel like you are working.” – Rajneesh Singh

That’s why in my life I do what I love to do and I never felt like I am doing work. 

That’s the passion & love behind the content that I create and the content you’re consuming. 

Do you want to know what I learnt in my class 1st of Digital Marketing internship that impacted my life a lot? 

If yes, read this post that I wrote. In this post, I talked about everything I learnt from DigitalDeepak internship class first.  

I’m pretty sure you would love that piece of content that I wrote. 

Thank you for reading! 


Rajneesh Singh 

Infographic: Traits of a Great Digital Marketer